Monday, June 27, 2011

Kelan's Pursuit (Shifters' Haven, #3)Kelan's Pursuit by Lavinia Lewis

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

There is strong willed and there is just plain assholes. Jake was a cross between the two. In the beginning he was the biggest ass you could ever come across. After meeting Kelan he slowly began to change for the better. Jake actually turned into a strong willed person with the knowledge of his past and realizing how much of an ass he was. I have to say that he is not someone I thought I would see Kelan with, but alas I am not the one who wrote the book. I can understand on some level what Ms. Lewis was thinking and why she went this route for the two characters. All in all I was pleased with how it went. Looking forward to the next knowing what Cary has gone through, and knowing who he is destined for in the future. Should be an interesting read.

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