Sunday, October 30, 2011

Review: Faith, Trust, and Stardust

Faith, Trust, and Stardust
Faith, Trust, and Stardust by Gabrielle Evans

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was the sweetest story I have read in a while. The story between Caasius and Kendall was so sweet you could help but fall in love with them both. The struggle through out the book made for a good background story as well. I am looking forward to more books in this series.

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Review: Sully

Sully by Lynn Hagen

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sully is my favortie in this series so far. The three just fit each other so well. You can't help but feel drawn to them in some way or another. This will be a book that I read many times over.

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Review: Christian's Menace

Christian's Menace
Christian's Menace by Lynn Hagen

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book sucked me in to the end. I couldn't put it down. I am very much looking forward to the others books that are planned in this series!

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Review: Aaron's Awakening

Aaron's Awakening
Aaron's Awakening by Lavinia Lewis

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Although I was a little disappointed in the last book in this series, I have to say that this edition more then made up for it! Aaron and Carey were just to good for each. The perfect match! I know I will be reading this book over and over again.

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Conversations With My Friends

I love talking with my friends....they seem to always know what to say and how to bring up my spirit. I have very few friends because I am so picky about who I choose to have in my life that it is hard sometimes and can be lonely, but the up side is that when I am with my friends the time spent with them is so special that I cherish every moment.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


I have very few friends, but the ones I have I would never trade for anything. They are people I trust and people I know won't stab me in the back. There is nothing like thinking you can trust someone and then they stab you in the back the first chance they get. I have had that done many times and I know now not to trust so easily. The friends I have I know would not betray me like others have in my past. If you ever have the privilege of me calling you my friend it is a high honor. Please don't betray the trust I have in you.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thinking of my children

This week we had a tragic event happen. A child my son's age and whom my son played with pretty much on a daily basis died of an asthma attack. This is a child that my son played with all the time. To know that he will never be in my house again is such a sad thought. I know that there is always a reason for things to happen, but at the same time it upsets me greatly when it happens to someone so young. I can't even imagine the pain that his family is going through. I sat my son down and we spoke about it at length and he felt better about it, but you could see the usual sparkle that is in his eye had dimmed a little and to see that hurt. My kids are my life and I would do anything for them. I just wish I could protect them from stuff like that, but at the same time you know it's something they have to go through because it is a part of life.

So the lesson I learned was that no matter what you do or how protective you are of your children it doesn't matter because life will happen to them whether you want it or not.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Review: Cowboy Courage

Cowboy Courage
Cowboy Courage by Stormy Glenn

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this story....the dynamic between Neason and Benjamin was amazing...who knew a minister could have such a delicious dark side...yum....this has to be my favorite out of the whole series.

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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Review: Forbidden Mate

Forbidden Mate
Forbidden Mate by Toni Griffin

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I sooooo loved this book and this series! This book was one that I waited for since the first book came out and it was so worth the wait! Great job Toni Griffin!

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